MSP: Should I Fire My Client in 2024

Published 5 months ago5 min readMSP Consulting...
MSP Consulting Services

As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), one of the most difficult decisions you may face is deciding whether to fire a client. It's a tough call to make, and there are many factors that come into play. In this article, we'll discuss the reasons why you should consider firing a client, as well as reasons why you shouldn't. We'll also touch on the importance of having a solid documentation strategy and how it can affect your decision-making process.

The Case for Firing a Client

  1. Unreasonable expectations. If a client has unreasonable expectations that cannot be met, it may be time to part ways. These expectations can take the form of demanding immediate responses to every request, expecting work to be done outside of the agreed-upon scope, or simply being impossible to please.
  2. Lack of respect. If a client consistently disrespects you or your team, it's time to reconsider the relationship. Disrespect can take many forms, from abusive language to refusing to listen to your recommendations.
  3. Non-payment. If a client consistently fails to pay their bills on time or refuses to pay at all, it's time to cut ties. Your business cannot operate without cash flow, and if a client is consistently causing financial strain, it's not worth the headache.
  4. Unethical behavior. If a client engages in unethical behavior, such as asking you to engage in illegal activities or lying to customers, it's time to sever the relationship. Your reputation and credibility are on the line, and it's not worth risking them for one client.

Reasons Not to Fire a Client

  1. Financial stability. If the client represents a significant portion of your revenue, it may not be wise to fire them. You should consider whether the loss of revenue will be too great and if you have other clients to fill the gap.
  2. Relationship building. It's possible that a difficult client may simply need time to build a relationship with you and your team. If you believe that there is potential for a mutually beneficial relationship, it may be worth working through the issues.
  3. Potential referrals. While a difficult client may not be a joy to work with, they may still refer business to you. If you believe that the potential for referrals outweighs the negative aspects of the relationship, it may be worth keeping the client.

The Importance of Documentation

One factor that can greatly influence your decision whether to fire a client is your documentation strategy. If your documentation is lacking or disorganized, it can cause massive amounts of time to be lost when compared to a well-thought-out documentation foundation. This can lead to frustration and burnout for you and your team, and it can also impact the quality of service you provide to clients.

This is where "Optimized Documentation" can help. Our company specializes in documentation strategies for MSPs and we can help you implement a solid documentation strategy that will make decision-making easier and save you time in the long run.

ConnectWise Manage: PSA Solution

One tool that can greatly assist in managing client relationships is ConnectWise Manage. This PSA solution is designed to streamline support desk functions as well as projects and client information storage. With ConnectWise Manage, you can keep track of client requests, billable time, and project progress all in one place. This can greatly reduce the chance of miscommunication and misunderstandings with clients.


In conclusion, deciding whether to fire a client as an MSP can be a difficult decision. While it may seem tempting to let go of a difficult or unprofitable client, there are also potential downsides to consider, such as losing business or damaging your reputation. Ultimately, it's important to weigh the pros and cons carefully and make an informed decision that's in the best interests of your business.

One factor that can make a significant difference in this decision is the quality of your documentation strategy. As an MSP, having a well-thought-out and comprehensive documentation system can save you and your team significant amounts of time and effort, which can make the difference between a profitable and unprofitable client. Companies like Optimized Documentation specialize in helping MSPs develop and implement effective documentation strategies, which can be a game-changer in the industry.

By using tools such as ConnectWise Manage, Connectwise Automate, and IT Glue, MSPs can streamline their documentation and improve their overall client management process. These tools offer a range of features and functionality that can help MSPs stay organized, track client information, and provide high-quality support services.

While the decision to fire a client should never be taken lightly, having a solid documentation strategy in place can make this decision easier and ultimately lead to a more successful MSP business. Companies like Optimized Documentation are dedicated to helping MSPs improve their documentation strategies and achieve their business goals, and can be a valuable resource for any MSP looking to improve their client management process.


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